@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * Author: Patrick-Christopher Mattulat
+ * Company: Lynar Studios
+ * E-Mail: webmaster@lynarstudios.com
+ * Created: 2020-08-14
+ * Changed: 2020-08-14
+ *
+ * */
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "../../../source/boxing/String.hpp"
+namespace {
+ class StringTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ StringTest() = default;
+ ~StringTest() override = default;
+ void SetUp() override {}
+ void TearDown() override {}
+ };
+ // assignment operators
+ TEST_F(StringTest, operatorAssignment)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "Hi!";
+ ASSERT_STREQ("Hi!", text.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ // arithmetic operators
+ TEST_F(StringTest, operatorAdd)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {"Hello! "};
+ ls_std::String end {"How are you? "};
+ text = text + end + "I'm good by the way!";
+ ASSERT_STREQ("Hello! How are you? I'm good by the way!", text.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, operatorHyphen)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {"abcdefghij"};
+ text = text - 5;
+ ASSERT_STREQ("abcde", text.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ // compound operators
+ TEST_F(StringTest, operatorAddEqual)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ ls_std::String hello {"Hi! "};
+ ASSERT_STREQ("", text.toString().c_str());
+ text += hello;
+ ASSERT_STREQ("Hi! ", text.toString().c_str());
+ text += "Bye!";
+ ASSERT_STREQ("Hi! Bye!", text.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ // comparison operators
+ TEST_F(StringTest, operatorEqual)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {"Hi!"};
+ ls_std::String hello {"Hi!"};
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text == hello);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hello == text);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hello == std::string("Hi!"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hello == "Hi!");
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, operatorNotEqual)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {"Hi!"};
+ ls_std::String hello {"Hello!"};
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text != hello);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(hello != text);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text != std::string("Hello!"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text != "Hello!");
+ }
+ // implementation
+ TEST_F(StringTest, parse)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text.parse("Hello!");
+ ASSERT_STREQ("Hello!", text.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, toString)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {"Hello!"};
+ ASSERT_STREQ("Hello!", text.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ // additional functionality
+ TEST_F(StringTest, contains)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "Hey, I'm searching for the keyword 'cake'!";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text.contains("cake"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, containsNegative)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "Hey, I'm searching for the keyword 'cake'!";
+ ASSERT_FALSE(text.contains("butter"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, endsWith)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "abcdef";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text.endsWith("ef"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, equalsIgnoreCase)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {"Hello!"};
+ ls_std::String hello {"HeLLo!"};
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text.equalsIgnoreCase(hello));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text.equalsIgnoreCase("HeLLO!"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, endsWithNegative)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "abcdef";
+ ASSERT_FALSE(text.endsWith("efg"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, reverse)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "abcdef";
+ ASSERT_STREQ("fedcba", text.reverse().c_str());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("abcdef", text);
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, startsWith)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "abcdef";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text.startsWith("abc"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, startsWithNegative)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "abcdef";
+ ASSERT_FALSE(text.startsWith("bc"));
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, toLowerCase)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "aBCdeFgHIJKLmn";
+ ASSERT_STREQ("abcdefghijklmn", text.toLowerCase().c_str());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("aBCdeFgHIJKLmn", text);
+ }
+ TEST_F(StringTest, toUpperCase)
+ {
+ ls_std::String text {};
+ text = "aBCdeFgHIJKLmn";
+ ASSERT_STREQ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMN", text.toUpperCase().c_str());
+ ASSERT_STREQ("aBCdeFgHIJKLmn", text);
+ }