Selaa lähdekoodia

Implement JNI system time mapping

Patrick-Christopher Mattulat 2 vuotta sitten

+ 37 - 12

@@ -3,22 +3,29 @@
 * Company:         Lynar Studios
 * E-Mail:
 * Created:         2023-03-16
-* Changed:         2023-04-04
+* Changed:         2023-04-08
 * */
 #include <iostream>
 #include <ls-std/core/evaluator/NullPointerEvaluator.hpp>
+#include <ls-std/core/jni/JniClass.hpp>
+#include <ls-std/core/jni/JniClassParameter.hpp>
 #include <ls-std/time/system-time/SystemTime.hpp>
 #include <ls-std/time/system-time/jni/com_lynarstudios_ls_std_time_systemtime_SystemTimeJni.h>
 #include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
+using ls::std::core::JniClass;
+using ls::std::core::JniClassParameter;
 using ls::std::core::NullPointerEvaluator;
 using ls::std::time::DateParameter;
 using ls::std::time::SystemTime;
 using ls::std::time::type::Day;
+using ls::std::time::type::Hour;
+using ls::std::time::type::Minute;
+using ls::std::time::type::Month;
+using ls::std::time::type::Second;
+using ls::std::time::type::Year;
 using std::cout;
 using std::endl;
 using std::make_shared;
@@ -28,19 +35,37 @@ using std::string;
 JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_lynarstudios_ls_std_time_systemtime_SystemTimeJni_set(JNIEnv *_environment, jobject _object, jobject _dateParameter)
-  string classPath = "com/lynarstudios/ls/std/time/systemtime/DateParameter";
-  jclass dateParameterClass = _environment->FindClass(classPath.c_str());
-  NullPointerEvaluator(dateParameterClass, R"lit(")lit" + classPath + R"lit(" path could not be found and is null!)lit").evaluate();
-  cout << R"lit(found ")lit" << classPath << R"lit(" path...)lit" << endl;
+  shared_ptr<JniClassParameter> parameter = make_shared<JniClassParameter>();
+  parameter->setJavaEnvironment(_environment);
+  parameter->setJavaObject(_dateParameter);
-  pair<string, string> getDayMethodSignature{"getDay", "()B"};
-  jmethodID getDayMethodId = _environment->GetMethodID(dateParameterClass, getDayMethodSignature.first.c_str(), getDayMethodSignature.second.c_str());
-  NullPointerEvaluator(getDayMethodId, R"lit(")lit" + getDayMethodSignature.second + "::" + getDayMethodSignature.first + R"lit(" could not be found and is null!)lit").evaluate();
-  cout << R"lit(found ")lit" << getDayMethodSignature.second << "::" + getDayMethodSignature.first << R"lit(" method...)lit" << endl;
+  JniClass javaClass{parameter, "com/lynarstudios/ls/std/time/systemtime/DateParameter"};
+  cout << (javaClass.load() ? "class loaded..." : "could not load class...") << endl;
+  cout << (javaClass.loadMethod("getYear", "()I") ? "method loaded..." : "could not load method...") << endl;
+  cout << (javaClass.loadMethod("getMonth", "()B") ? "method loaded..." : "could not load method...") << endl;
+  cout << (javaClass.loadMethod("getDay", "()B") ? "method loaded..." : "could not load method...") << endl;
+  cout << (javaClass.loadMethod("getHour", "()B") ? "method loaded..." : "could not load method...") << endl;
+  cout << (javaClass.loadMethod("getMinute", "()B") ? "method loaded..." : "could not load method...") << endl;
+  cout << (javaClass.loadMethod("getSecond", "()B") ? "method loaded..." : "could not load method...") << endl;
+  Year year = javaClass.callMethod("getYear").getIntegerValue();
+  Month month = javaClass.callMethod("getMonth").getByteValue();
+  Day day = javaClass.callMethod("getDay").getByteValue();
+  Hour hour = javaClass.callMethod("getHour").getByteValue();
+  Minute minute = javaClass.callMethod("getMinute").getByteValue();
+  Second second = javaClass.callMethod("getSecond").getByteValue();
+  // map
   DateParameter dateParameter{};
-  Day day = _environment->CallByteMethod(_dateParameter, getDayMethodId);
+  dateParameter.setYear(year);
+  dateParameter.setMonth(month);
+  dateParameter.setHour(hour);
+  dateParameter.setMinute(minute);
+  dateParameter.setSecond(second);
   return SystemTime{}.set(dateParameter);