# Lynar Studios - Standard Library 2021.2.0 # This is a cross-platform standard library written in C++ offering functionalities you'd usually miss in C++ standard library, especially if you'd search for cross-platform implementations. This library has been tested on __Windows__, __Linux__ and __MacOS__ systems. #### Boxing #### This library provides boxing classes for primitive data types (e.g. string, int, long, float...) to add additional functionalities for each one of them. #### File #### To handle file operations - or to receive information of a file - this library provides an own __File__ class implementation, which can also be passed to library implemented input or output stream classes. #### Base #### This is a collection of very basic functionalities like a base __Class__ which provides minimal reflection like class name. Also, you have the possibility with this collection to fetch this libraries version or even handle own versions for your project. #### Time #### A __Date__ class comes with this collection, which you can use to represent a date and doing operations on it. #### Logic #### This collection of classes provides some nice functionalities to support your project with some nice logical features, like state machines and observer pattern supporting classes. #### Serialization #### Serialization is very important nowadays to persist data. This library offers a serializable interface, which can then be implemented in your project. In addition to that there is already JSON serialization-based implementation for some public library classes. #### JSON #### This library uses a transitive JSON dependency, which is in line with our license model. Many thanks to __Niels Lohmann__ for writing this nice little library. #### XML #### To handle XML files this library has an own XML parser implementation, which uses modern C++ features, such as shared pointers. #### Logger #### For logging functionality you might need for your project there is a __Logger__ class coming with this library, which is also able to handle different log level. #### Event Handling #### With this first implemented milestone of event handling this library provides functionalities for creating and firing events. #### Exception #### This library provides some basic exceptions which can be used in your project to create awareness of certain error behaviour. #### KV #### A key value file offers the possibility to store simple information pairs in a file. This library provides parsing functionalities for __.kv__ files. ### Changelog ### #### Features #### - extended EventManager class by adding EventHandler availability check method - added exceptions for event management - extended Date class by introducing __+=__ and __-=__ operators - it's now possible to retrieve library version - added more operators to __LogLevel__ class - added factory interface - added "current working directory" detection implementation for __File__ class #### Improvements #### - increased test coverage by adding more unit tests - improved overall error handling by adding more error checks - reduced overall unnecessary complexity of public classes - improved naming of certain classes #### Fixes #### - add missing header files to main header file ### Documentation ### You can find a detailed documentation on Lynar Studios Website: lynarstudios.com ### License ### This software is licensed and uses MIT-license. You can find a __LICENSE.MIT__ file inside the project's root directory. ### Building ### To build this library you'd need a recent version of __cmake__ and your OS specific compiler collection, like __gcc__, __MSVC__ or __AppleClang__ installed. Inside project's root directory create the following folder: ``` cmake_build_release ``` Open your OS specific command line window and navigate to this new folder and run the following command to configure the project and generate a native build system: ``` cmake ../ ``` Inside __cmake_build_release__ folder you will now find cmake generated files. To compile the library now, just run: ``` cmake --build . --config Release ``` ### Add Library To Your Project ### If you would like to add this library to your cmake project - to the __CMakeLists.txt__ file - make sure that you add the libraries' include directory: ``` include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/path/to/this/library/include) ``` Then link the library binary file inside your __CMakeLists.txt__ file: ``` target_link_libraries(... "path/to/this/library/../libls_std_YYYY.MAJOR.MINOR.dll") ``` ### Testing ### This project contains unit tests to provide test coverage. To run those tests you have to build this project with option __LS_STD_BUILD_WITH_TESTS__ set to __ON__.