# Lynar Studios - Standard Library 2020.1.0 # This is a cross-platform standard library written in C++ which provides basic functionality and implementation, like: - Boxing Classes - File Operations - Minimal Reflection - Date Class - State Machine Class - Serialization - JSON - XML - Logger Class It has been tested on __Windows__, __Linux__ and __MacOS__ systems. ### Documentation ### You can find a detailed documentation on Lynar Studios Website: lynarstudios.com ### License ### This software is licensed and uses MIT-license. You can find a __LICENSE.MIT__ file inside the project's root directory. ### Building ### To build this library you'd need a recent version of __cmake__ and your OS specific compiler collection, like __gcc__, __MSVC__ or __AppleClang__ installed. Inside project's root directory create the following folder: ``` cmake_build_release ``` Open your OS specific command line window and navigate to this new folder and run the following command to configure the project and generate a native build system: ``` cmake ../ ``` Inside __cmake_build_release__ folder you will now find cmake generated files. To compile the library now, just run: ``` cmake --build . --config Release ``` ### Testing ### This project contains unit tests to accomplish test coverage. To run those unit tests you have to adjust __TestHelper__ class by adding your personal test folder path to __getTestFolderLocation__ method. There you have to adjust __location__ variable based on the operating system you're using.